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Chapter 26

Sumeshi, Okonomiyaki and 20 kisses



What Hinata did not know was that in the next two days, Oikawa waited for the axe. In their non-stop texts, voice notes, emojis, memes, phone calls, on the way to school, during break, after school, at night,  Oikawa waited for news regarding some form of interrogation on the  middle blocker but it never came. Oikawa did not know what Suga had done with the information but knew that one day, it would come out.

Another thing Hinata did not know: Oikawa’s team were quieter in the days that followed after their illicit relationship had come out; some of them avoided Oikawa’s gaze altogether and Oikawa could tell, particularly amongst the first and second years, they shared an unspoken mutiny in regards to respect. Oikawa had lost the respect of the juniors in his team. Not because of his ability as a volleyball player but because of the choices in his personal life. So this is what it must feel like to be a politician, Oikawa had smirked to himself and it just about covered the slashes across his heart.

The other third years bar Iwaizumi still worked tirelessly night and day trying to convince Oikawa to break it off. Lunchtimes, home times after practice, phone calls when they could get through to Oikawa and he wasn’t on the phone to Hinata, they begged Oikawa to obsess over someone else. Oikawa had explained it all: the earthquake, the blackout, and how absolutely wonderful Hinata was as a person – but all he was met with was appalled silence.

Oikawa did not know what would gain his team’s approval and although he would fight tooth and nail to stay with Hinata, and proclaimed that he did not care what his team thought, and this was true, a part of him could not help but wish that the two things he adored the most – Hinata and his team – could somehow be reconciled.

Another thing Oikawa did not know: from Wednesday evening until Friday, Kageyama had tried to walk home with Hinata every day but the spiker had cycled off, making some excuse about his sister’s flute competition coming up and how he needed to go home super quick so she could play to him.

This made Kageyama upset but also relieved: if Hinata was not allowed to see anyone after school anymore that meant that Hinata was cycling straight home and wasn’t seeing Oikawa. When Kageyama suggested meeting for the weekend, Hinata deflected that too saying he already had plans, a sleepover with some other friends, and named a couple of people from his class.

Obstacles? What were obstacles to Tobio Kageyama? Very soon the summer holidays would be here, and they had summer camp and practice so Hinata would have to see him every day. Kageyama would treat Hinata better, would show his spiker that he cared more and more, he would beat Oikawa and win back Hinata’s heart for himself.

But what Kageyama didn’t know – the more Hinata engaged with Oikawa,  the more it was like the middle blocker was walking deeper into a luscious, green, magical forest that Hinata never wanted to leave. The more enchanted Hinata became, the more in awe, the more hypnotised.

On Friday Hinata blasted everyone at school he encountered with smiles and warm greetings. He was a fizzy, popping, jumpy, nervous ball of energy: tonight he would be staying overnight at Oikawa’s. He had not stayed over at Oikawa’s since they were officially a couple. Hinata had never had alcohol but surely this was what it felt like – warm and fuzzy and giddying. He could barely contain himself. He couldn’t stop  thinking it, he was dying to say it though of course he wouldn’t – but some bizarre part of him wanted to stand on the school roof and shout,  ‘I’M DATING OIKAWA!!!!’ for the whole world to hear.

Why was time so slow? Why was the weekend only two days?

After school, Hinata fought himself to not look at the clock during practice and be present. And when practice had barely finished, Hinata grabbed his bags, shouted goodbye and ran.

Hinata cycled like an Olympian on steroids. He scared a bunch of school girls, an old lady carrying shopping (‘I’m so sorry!’) and a man walking his dog. He’d brought a rucksack, packed properly and also bought a bunch of ingredients along the way. 

He almost flew off his bike when he reached Oikawa’s, zooming to the door and knocking with the force of a sumo wrestler.

The door opened as if Oikawa had been standing right behind it –

Oikawa almost fell back from lips, arms, legs that had all embraced him. He caught Hinata just in time, as he smiled under the kiss, and awkwardly stepped back, pushing the door shut with his foot. After the Hello Kiss, Hinata opened his eyes and stared into Oikawa’s.

‘I love your eyes,’ Hinata whispered.

‘I love yours.’

It was only then the spiker’s expression changed: three thin lines of crusted blood were drawn across the setter’s face, one cutting across Oikawa’s nose and the other two had sliced his cheeks. Hinata’s face contorted.

‘I’m going to kill him,’ Hinata muttered.

‘Please do,’ Oikawa half-grinned. ‘You have my blessing. But for now, can you kiss it better?’

Hinata unfurled his arms from around Oikawa’s neck and gently held the unscratched part of Oikawa’s face in his palms. Once again he stared into the setter’s eyes.

‘Your eyes really are beautiful,’ Hinata whispered.

‘Look who’s talking.’

Hinata kissed Oikawa’s eyelids and then continued to gently kiss over Oikawa’s scratches until his lips found the setter’s again.

The passion in Hinata set Oikawa’s heart on fire.

The girls Oikawa had previously been with, they had liked him because of his looks or the ego-trip they got from him desiring them. They liked him because of the sex, or his popularity, or they thought they were in love even though Oikawa didn’t feel like they truly knew him.

But here was someone void of pride or ego. Oikawa knew that Hinata didn’t like him because of an ego boost; Oikawa’s interest in the spiker, Hinata had barely hoped to believe. As for the sex, they hadn’t even had sex yet so Hinata could not like him for that. And popularity –  they were not in the same school. And Oikawa could tell, for someone like Hinata, popularity meant nothing.

No. Here was someone who liked Oikawa for who he actually was – who could sense Oikawa’s fragility, who knew the setter’s fears and insecurities. Oikawa had wept in front of the spiker, he had shown his worry, his weaknesses and the little crow hadn’t used it against him.

‘Do you feel better?’ Hinata smiled away from the kiss and opened his eyes. He felt like the setter was staring deep into his soul. ‘Toru?’

‘Why do I always feel this way around you?’ Oikawa whispered, quizzical.

‘What way?’

‘Like I never want to let you go.’

Hinata grinned and blushed and hid his face in Oikawa’s neck, breathing in the best scent in the world, as he hugged Oikawa again.

‘Ever since the blackout,’ Oikawa murmured, more so to himself.

‘I know what you mean,’ Hinata whispered, leaning his head over Oikawa’s shoulder. ‘I hated leaving here. But now I’m -’ Hinata pecked  Oikawa’s neck, ‘so happy to be here with you Toru.’

Oikawa felt his heart get that much bigger. Hinata didn’t want to let go but he jumped down from Oikawa to untie his laces and take off his trainers. He then took the setter by the hand and led Oikawa to the  kitchen island. The spiker untangled himself from his rucksack and from  its depths, pulled out a carrier bag. Then, he pulled out something  wrapped in silver paper. He placed it all on the kitchen island and then turned to the setter with sparkles in his eyes.

‘You said it was your birthday this Sunday,’ Hinata spoke excitedly.

‘Shoyo,’ Oikawa smiled and shook his head at the beautiful boy, ‘you didn’t have to -’

‘I wanted to so I did. And now, I’m going to cook for you,’ Hinata said proudly, ‘okonomiyaki.’

Oikawa’s overinflated heart doubled in size. His whole face lit up in surprised delight and he stared at the cutiepie who looked so excited to be the one doing the cooking.

‘I’m going to cook you a birthday meal. But even if it wasn’t your birthday you always cook and do everything for me so I wanted to do something for you. What do you think?’

Oikawa swooped down and kissed Hinata so fervently the spiker almost fell down. When Oikawa pulled away from the kiss and stood up straight he was happy to see the little crow blushing.

‘Or I could just eat you,’ Oikawa murmured, his voice like a leather whip, ‘you look just as delicious.’

Hinata thought his legs might give way. Oikawa smirked.

‘Actually you can be my dessert. We should finish on something  sweet,’ Oikawa winked and Hinata was sure he was going to faint. ‘It’s  strange you picked okonomiyaki though because okonomiyaki is my -’

‘Second favourite food after milk bread,’ Hinata suddenly smiled mischievously up at the setter. ‘I know.’

Oikawa stared. ‘How -?’

‘I asked Iwaizumi. I told him I wanted to make you something.’

Oikawa wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was the fact Hinata had made so much effort. Maybe it was Iwa’s silent approval in helping the crow in the face of so much disapproval from the rest of the team. Or maybe it was neither of those things. But the small gesture was so mighty it struck  Oikawa’s heart like the first time he’d held a volleyball.

‘I just – need to use the bathroom quickly -’

Hinata had started unloading the ingredients so he hadn’t caught Oikawa’s face as the setter turned and went to the bathroom. Oikawa shut the door, and lent on it. His heart felt fit to burst like an over-expanded balloon and just as fragile yet it pounded like a taiko drum. All of these feelings, from Hinata.

This… this isn’t normal.

Oikawa closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This much joy, how was it possible? From one person? Oikawa had to get a grip on himself. He waited for his heart to calm, and when it did, he opened the bathroom door and returned to the sun.

Oikawa brought out all the utensils that Hinata needed. Hinata refused Oikawa’s help in food preparation so instead Oikawa sat on the stool and chatted while Hinata got chopping. Oikawa couldn’t help noticing the fluidity and deftness of Hinata’s movements, as if he was an okonomiyaki master. There was no recipe, no guide: Hinata just shredded the cabbage, chopped the spring onions and mixed it all expertly with the panko breadcrumbs. Oikawa prepared the plates and chopsticks, and grabbed some drinks from the fridge, while Hinata fried the okonomiyaki in a pan and then thinly cut the nori. Hinata went all out, sprinkling sesame seeds and pickled ginger and zig-zagging different sauces over the okonomiyaki. The frying pan was large and the savoury pancake had come out slightly thicker than Hinata had intended it to but no matter – it was enough for both of them.

Hinata sat down on the stool next to Oikawa, excited. The setter cut the pancake into triangles like a pizza and put a piece on Hinata’s plate and then his own. Hinata gazed in anticipation at Oikawa’s face, completely ignoring his own slice.

‘You have to take a bite and then tell me what you think,’ Hinata said. ‘And you can’t just say it’s good if it’s bad, you have to say if you don’t like it.’

Oikawa’s expression darkened. ‘I’m not going to upset you chibi-chan if I don’t like it after you’ve made all this effort to cook for me -’

‘It’ll upset me more if you say you like it if you don’t!’

Oikawa huffed. ‘Fine.’

Oikawa picked up the chopsticks, Hinata’s eyes on him like a hawk. Oikawa smirked. No pressure then. He picked up the piece of pancake, brought it to his mouth and bit –

His eyes widened –

Hinata inched to the edge of his seat –

Oikawa chewed –

Hinata blinked up at him –

Oikawa deliberately scrunched up his face and glanced at the spiker.  Even in jest, his heart slightly hurt at the tinge of fear in the spiker’s eyes –

Oikawa swallowed and turned to his audience.

‘You don’t like it,’ Hinata whispered, close to tears.

‘Chibi-chan,’ Oikawa put down his chopsticks with the drama of an Emperor. ‘I love it.’

The spiker’s face transformed in an instant.

‘It’s delicious,’ Oikawa said. ‘I don’t know what sorcery you used but it’s one of the best okonomiyaki I’ve ever tasted.’

‘You’re – you’re just saying that!’

‘I’m not! I’ll eat the whole thing if you don’t believe me -’

Oikawa snatched up his chopsticks again and went to dive for Hinata’s slice but the spiker was too quick and blocked Oikawa’s wrist with his arm. The setter took the opportunity to quickly steal a kiss, which was meant to be quick but turned into something a lot longer and smoother. When Oikawa pulled back, he opened his eyes and saw those golden eyes flutter open and stare back into his. Hinata’s heart slammed against his ribcage.

‘Thank you for cooking for me,’ Oikawa whispered. ‘It’s delicious.’

‘I – I wanted to do something for you,’ Hinata mumbled. ‘Because you’re always doing things for me -’

Oikawa placed another deep kiss on Hinata’s cheek and Hinata’s heart almost broke through his chest. They ravished the pancake so quickly Hinata ended up making another one with the leftover ingredients it just didn’t have as much panko breadcrumbs the second time round.

‘Do you want to shower, chibi-chan, while I wash up?’ Oikawa collected the plates and took them to the sink. ‘I already showered when I got back but you’re still in your volleyball uniform – not that I mind,’ Oikawa gave a cheeky grin, ‘your uniform suits you well.’

Hinata agreed. He’d brought a change of shorts and a t-shirt to change into. While Oikawa did the dishes listening to his phone blast some tunes, Hinata took a shower and came back ten minutes later to find the kitchen area cleared apart from the silver-wrapped present, two glasses of water and Oikawa arranging a bunch of snacks on the kitchen  island.

‘If you want or need anything chibi-chan, let me know, OK?’ Oikawa  smiled as he turned to the freshly washed Hinata. ‘My home is your home. Help yourself to snacks or -’

He didn’t finish the sentence because the spiker had ran forward, grabbed Oikawa by the neckline of his t-shirt and pulled him down into a kiss. Hinata laced his arms around Oikawa’s neck, locking the setter to him, as he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out to taste the setter’s, who, of course, tasted of okonomiyaki. Oikawa responded with a moan and Hinata smiled, eyes closed, continuing to kiss the captain.

Suddenly Hinata was lifted up, above the setter but immediately brought down to those lips that were just as hungry as his.

‘You taste of okonomiyaki,’ Oikawa said, catching his breath.

‘So do you.’

‘You taste good.’

Hinata grinned. ‘I’m glad. I want you to – open your present.’

Oikawa glanced at the silver wrapped gift that was sat at the corner of the kitchen island. He placed the spiker down but Oikawa could not help making the bird squeal by attacking Hinata with more kisses on his  face and then pulling him into a hug. Hinata only came up to Oikawa’s  chest. The setter squeezed Hinata to himself and doted that ginger mane with even more kisses.

Hinata clutched Oikawa’s t-shirt, his face, his heart, burning like a meteorite. A kaleidoscope of vibrant colours whizzed and flitted through Hinata like the wings of a butterfly. Sparkles filled his veins, and every breath Hinata took was sweeter and more nourishing than any sumptuous fruit.

‘I’m so happy,’ Oikawa whispered above him, ‘to finally have you with me again.’

Happy. Hinata too felt happy but happiness was not, it could not be the right word. ‘Happy’ was too diluted, too muted to how Hinata felt. If the feeling of happiness could be stretched across the globe and lifted to the height of outer space and filled and padded exponentially, a million times over, with this feeling then maybe, maybe that would equal happiness.

Oikawa pulled Hinata away from himself, and was pleased to see the sun glowing, radiant. Hinata’s cheeks were beautifully blushed and those gorgeous amber eyes stared up in adoration. Within moments of being together both their hearts were full, content, having been depraved of physical unity for almost a week.

Oikawa swooped down and kissed Hinata again, their tongues meeting, and when he withdrew he was pleased to see the fire in those honeycomb eyes. He then grabbed the silver-wrapped gift from the kitchen island. Hinata’s entire face lit up and he looked ten times more excited –

‘I really hope you like it Toru!’

Oikawa smirked. ‘Even if there was air in here I’d still like it.’

The package was light. But Hinata’s anticipation was like a kid on Christmas morning. Oikawa tore through the wrapping and touched something soft. He pulled away the paper. It seemed to be a white t-shirt. He opened it up –


White letters on a red block.

Its significance known to no one except –

‘What do you think?’ Hinata’s hushed voice reached Oikawa’s ears but the setter’s eyes were still glued to the t-shirt.

Water sprung to Oikawa’s eyes but he swallowed it down before there were any unnecessary spills. He looked to Hinata, who was beaming up at him, and who also looked just as teary.

‘How do you know about this?’ Oikawa whispered.

‘I – I was messaging Iwaizumi-san about things you liked. He said there was a player you loved called Jose Blanco who came to Japan and played at Sendai. So I – I Googled his name and “Japan” and lots of images came up from the year he was here. There were photos of him exploring some of the area in this t-shirt. So I sent a screenshot to Iwaizumi and asked if I found the t-shirt, or got it made, if you’d recognise it. And he said you would.’

Carefully, Oikawa placed the t-shirt back in its safe cocoon of wrapping on the kitchen island. He bent down and wrapped his arms around  Hinata’s waist, lifting the spiker, before kissing Hinata in such a way  – in such a way that Hinata felt like the strongest, most brilliant, intelligent and beautiful person on the face of the earth.

Hinata wrapped his legs around Oikawa and the cobra carried the koala to the bed, kissing the whole time. Oikawa gently placed Hinata down before joining him. Like second nature, as always, Hinata was on the left, nearer to the wall, and Oikawa lay next to him on the right side of the bed.

Hinata placed a hand on Oikawa’s neck. The touch, for both of them, was insanely comforting. The feel of warm skin on skin, being able to just be together again, in each other’s presence was a million times better than any phone call, text or pic sent during the week. Hinata stroked the side of Oikawa’s neck, letting the legs of his fingers and their tips drag across that perfect skin.

On their sides, side to side, both of them stared at each other.

‘I never knew,’ Oikawa murmured, melting from those buttery eyes, ‘it was physically possible… to feel this happy. To feel so happy that it might break me.’

Hinata blanched as he blushed from Oikawa’s heart-stealing words but the setter tipped Hinata’s chin up with his hand and dove for a kiss. Hinata’s hand was still on the captain’s neck and he clutched at the skin ever so slightly, the pads of his fingertips pressing in as if he was trying to hold onto Oikawa, and Oikawa loved that.

The setter only pulled away to admire Hinata’s flushed and tender face, those eyelids that fluttered open in a dream-like state to reveal even more dreamy eyes. The world belonged to Oikawa now that this belonged to him. And Oikawa relished in being able to produce such a soothing effect on the middle blocker.

‘Did you,’ Hinata whispered, staring up at Oikawa, ‘really enjoy the food?’

Oikawa grinned. ‘Shoyo. It was amazing. I didn’t know you could cook.’

‘I can’t.’

Oikawa frowned, amused. ‘But -?’

‘I asked my mom to teach me on Monday and since Tuesday I’ve been eating okonomiyaki every night. I made it about twelve times just to make sure -’

Oikawa had closed the gap and Hinata felt every emotion he could from Oikawa in the kiss. Oikawa slid his right hand under Hinata and hugged the spiker tighter, closer to him as he continued to kiss the okonomiyaki king. Suddenly Oikawa bit Hinata’s bottom lip –


The setter chuckled mischievously and then intentionally dived to the side of Hinata’s neck while his left hand snaked up Hinata’s side and slipped under Hinata’s t-shirt, feeling soft skin. Hinata took in a sharp breath and trembled as Oikawa kissed the side of his neck and he felt those long nimble fingers delicately stroke him in circles, just to the right of his bellybutton. Suddenly Hinata was pushed onto his back – Oikawa broke free – and the setter then slowly sidled up to him, eyes glinting like light off metal. Oikawa was still on his right side and he lent his elbow on the pillow, and propped up his head with the back of his hand. Again, Oikawa’s left hand found its way under Hinata’s shirt and sat comfortably on Hinata’s stomach as the setter watched with hungry and amused eyes, the flustered, excited, nervous and aroused expressions flit across the spiker’s face. The crow knew the cobra was watching him, knew that Oikawa liked to drink up his reactions.

‘So chibi-chan,’ Oikawa murmured, bringing those syrup eyes to his. ‘I still owe you ninety five kisses. I haven’t forgotten.’

Hinata bit his lip and shrank back, suddenly shy and looked away.

‘I’m sure you’ve – probably already kissed me that amount of times already.’

The hand on Hinata’s stomach suddenly withdrew – to turn his chin towards the setter. Hinata looked back into those smouldering brown  eyes.

‘It doesn’t count,’ Oikawa said. ‘Because you hadn’t cashed them in. Would you like to have some of them now?’

Hinata stared up at the setter, his heart pounding.

‘Yes,’ Hinata replied, peering at Oikawa, trying to figure out why Oikawa would stop them kissing just to start kissing again.

Oikawa looked at Hinata’s lips like they were candy and when the setter brought his eyes up again to meet the spiker’s, lust had made them even darker.

‘How would you like them?’ Oikawa whispered.

Hinata’s brain could not understand the subtext of Oikawa’s words yet his body was responding in only one way.

‘What do you mean?’ Hinata breathed.

‘I mean,’ Oikawa’s lips met Hinata’s, and his hand squeezed the spiker’s bulge over the shorts, eliciting a moan from Hinata straight into Oikawa’s mouth. Oikawa broke away and slightly shuffled down and his hand held Hinata’s waist. ‘How,’ he attacked Hinata’s neck with a kiss, ‘where,’ then Hinata’s chest, ‘and what, should I do with my mouth  -’ Oikawa suddenly lifted Hinata’s shirt and kissed the spiker’s belly, making Hinata gasp and convulse from the kiss. Oikawa moved back up and  saw that innocent face flushed pink but with eyes on fire. He smirked. He lent into Hinata’s ear.

‘How many?’ Oikawa whispered.

‘T-ten -’

Oikawa licked the base Hinata’s earlobe and heard a short, sharp in-take of breath.

‘Only ten?’ Oikawa kissed Hinata and the spiker responded even more fervently –

Hinata gripped Oikawa’s hair and turned inward, towards the setter, pushing his body and his erection into Oikawa, grinding his hips –

‘Twenty,’ Hinata broke away first, his eyes pleading, his expression ravenous, desperate.


‘Everywhere. All over my body.’


‘Gently, first.’

Oikawa smirked. ‘And what should I do with my mouth?’

Hinata was already breathless. He glanced at Oikawa’s lips and returned his emboldened gaze to the setter. ‘Everything. Everything you  can think of.’ Hinata pulled a smiling Oikawa into another ardent kiss.  ‘And I want to feel your hands again too.’

‘Hands as well? That will cost you another five kisses.’


Oikawa chuckled, his gaze warm and amused as he looked at that cherub face. Hinata, despite his arousal and impatience, could not help smiling and glowing and blushing from the obvious affection towards him in the setter’s eyes.

‘What are you waiting for?’ Hinata mumbled.

Oikawa laughed. ‘What happened to you? I thought you were shy?’

‘I am shy but I want to feel your hands.’

‘And I want to look at your face -’

Oikawa held Hinata’s right cheek with his left hand and bit on the end of Hinata’s nose.


‘I take back the deal,’ Oikawa watched Hinata’s adorable blushing face stare wide-eyed and perplexed up at him. Oikawa slowly traced his left hand down Hinata’s body and entered into Hinata’s shorts. Those big  eyes got even bigger. Oikawa smiled. ‘You can have my hands for free.’  Oikawa’s hand conquered the final layer of fabric that separated them and felt the sphere of heat emanating from the spiker’s groin just  before he rubbed his fingers against the beautiful soft skin of Hinata’s hard dick. Hinata inhaled through his nose and his right hand gripped the neckline of Oikawa’s t-shirt. The spiker’s expressions fluctuated between anguished impatience and frowning pleasure, Oikawa observed, as he continued to tantalisingly stroke Hinata. Oikawa kissed Hinata’s mouth and then said, ‘Take off your shirt.’

It was off in a flash – thrown somewhere across the room. Oikawa chuckled.

‘Lie on your back again.’ The spiker obeyed. Oikawa remained on his side. ‘Now, chibi-chan,’ Oikawa, still with his fingers moving up and down against Hinata’s cock, firmer now, dipped his nose in Hinata’s freshly washed hair and inhaled deeply. He then put his lips against the Hinata’s ear and whispered, ‘I’m going to start giving you what you want. I want you to count for me. Can you do that?’

‘Yes,’ but Hinata pulled Oikawa to him once again and the setter obliged. Oikawa kissed Hinata tenderly just as he wrapped his whole hand around the spiker’s dick and squeezed. The noise Hinata made got trapped in the kiss but suddenly Oikawa broke away and the next thing Hinata felt were those lips touching the middle of his collarbone.

‘Count,’ Oikawa’s hot breath licked Hinata’s neck.

‘One,’ Hinata breathed, trembling, on his back.

As Oikawa’s left hand held Hinata’s cock, the setter began moving his thumb ever so slowly and gently, in circles on the underside of the head of Hinata’s dick. Hinata writhed and moaned, clawing onto the setter’s t-shirt but it was only for a moment because Oikawa inched lower, breaking free from Hinata’s hands, as the captain inspected the healing bite mark to the right of Hinata’s chest. Oikawa then stopped. He withdrew his hand from Hinata’s shorts and sat up on his knees,  adjusting himself to that he was perpendicular to Hinata’s body. Hinata watched in anticipation Oikawa position himself. The captain smirked. He slid his scarred hand against Hinata’s hip bone and slipped it once again into Hinata’s shorts. He wrapped his hand around Hinata and used his left thumb to softly circle Hinata’s frenulum. Hinata moaned and wriggled under Oikawa, as the setter, like a panther inched himself closer – and licked the skin at Hinata’s waist.

‘Toru -’

Hinata’s hand gently held onto the back of Oikawa’s neck as the setter’s eyes suddenly found its target on Hinata’s exposed chest: the hickey hadn’t fully faded but it had started to.

Well. We can’t have that.


Hinata yelled and his whole body jolted as simultaneously, Oikawa begun teasing Hinata’s dick in proper gripped strokes with a full hand and at the same time a piercing pain cut into the centre-left of Hinata’s chest, right where his heart was. Hinata seized a fistful of hair at the head that was burrowed into his chest, as teeth clamped into his skin and Oikawa sucked hard. But Oikawa’s hand kept stroking his cock and Hinata couldn’t understand how all of it still through the pain  – it felt so good –

‘Toru -’ Hinata gasped – he felt the warm slither of Oikawa’s tongue against his skin and at the same time Oikawa’s beautiful fingers hadn’t stopped moving – the friction from Oikawa’s hand was tantalising,  teasing, too slow – Hinata bucked his hips in time and moaned just as his entire body felt the release from the setter’s sucking teeth.

Oikawa smirked and admired his work: a fresh, darker bruise was forming right on chibi-chan’s heart.


Even as Oikawa’s left hand slowed, Hinata continued to buck his hips, forcing his dick through Oikawa’s grip. That cobra gaze was back on Hinata’s face, full of desperation.

‘Impatient, aren’t we?’ Oikawa smirked but he held his hand in the right position, with the right tightness, to let Hinata continue to fuck his hand. ‘Why are you in a rush, Shoyo? We have all evening…’ but  Oikawa would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy seeing the spiker like this: so riled up and completely at the mercy of Oikawa’s touch, Hinata’s whole body practically begging Oikawa to make him come. This was exactly how Oikawa liked it.

Oikawa let go and Hinata stopped writhing. Annoyance graced the spiker’s flushed face but his eyes were still inflamed as he looked to Oikawa for an explanation.

‘You’re not counting.’

‘Two,’ Hinata said, clearly irritated.

Oikawa chuckled. ‘My, my,’ Oikawa smirked through flirtatious eyelashes, ‘someone is keen to get their fix -’

Still kneeling perpendicular, he lowered his head, and traced the tip of his nose against Hinata’s ribs. Hinata froze. Oikawa inhaled.

‘Maybe you shouldn’t have had a shower chibi-chan – I miss your scent,’ but Oikawa kissed Hinata’s ribs anyway.

‘Three,’ Hinata breathed.

‘Take your shorts off.’

Hinata’s heart stuttered. His dick was stiff and he was fully aroused but he’d never been completely naked in front of another person let alone Oikawa before. He slid his shorts and boxers off and threw them across the room. His eyes met Oikawa’s –


Hinata’s heart exploded.

Oikawa’s eyes were devilish like a wolf’s, beautiful and terrifying. Something had shifted. Hinata’s heart thumped in jittery exhilaration.

Oikawa kissed the top of Hinata’s left thigh.

‘Four -’ Hinata’s entire body shook. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to steady his frantic heart.

A pause.

Was Oikawa considering something? Suddenly a weight pushed down in-between Hinata’s parted legs, he felt Oikawa lean forward and hover over him, his heart was doing a thousand beats per minute and then –  lips met with Hinata’s right thigh – long, steady, meaningful – longer than all the previous kisses and Hinata suddenly remembered –

That’s where my cut from the earthquake was.

‘Five -’

Oikawa continued to kiss downward on Hinata’s right leg – six, seven, eight, nine – for ten he sucked on Hinata’s big toe – Hinata gasped and couldn’t stop himself: his hand went to his stiff dick and pulled at it  –

Really that should be my job, Oikawa knew what Hinata was doing but the setter couldn’t balance himself kissing Hinata’s lower limbs and jerking Hinata off at the same time.

‘Eleven -’

Oikawa had kissed Hinata’s left foot, better balanced now, being on the left side of the spiker. Oikawa bit into the side of Hinata’s calf.

‘Ow! Twelve -’

Knee – thirteen.

‘Let me -’ Oikawa’s left hand went to Hinata’s cock and Hinata happily released himself into the grip of the setter.

Hinata didn’t know what it was – if it was the size of Oikawa’s hand or Oikawa’s perfect touch or if it was just the fact that it was Oikawa –  all Hinata knew was that he loved the feel of Oikawa’s hand around his dick stroking him, thumbing him, caressing him – doing anything at all –

Oikawa knelt closer to Hinata’s left waist, his left hand kneading the spiker’s dick, and he looked at Hinata’s face: flushed red, eyes aroused, sweating, neck craned slightly up, watching him. Oikawa smirked  then winked and Hinata’s beating heart tripled in speed. He then dived down and kissed Hinata’s stomach. Hinata jolted. But the setter didn’t come back up. Instead, Oikawa swirled his tongue inside Hinata’s 

bellybutton, making the spiker flail as Oikawa continued to tease Hinata’s dick and tongue Hinata’s navel.

‘F-f-f-f-fourteen -’

Oikawa sat back.

Now. The real fun begins.

Oikawa was holding Hinata’s cock but had stopped moving it. He was  still kneeling by the spiker’s side with full access to Hinata’s entire body. Maintaining eye contact, Oikawa lowered his head and gently kissed  just below Hinata’s left nipple.

Hinata exhaled. ‘Fifteen – AHHH -!’

Hinata’s fingers gripped hair as Oikawa’s wet and warm tongue circled the contours of Hinata’s nipple and the sensation flashed a million tiny lights in Hinata’s mind – Oikawa’s grip on his dick was tighter, the movements suddenly quicker, no longer teasing but like he was actually trying to make Hinata come –

Hinata moaned and then suddenly Oikawa kissed him, hungrily, passionate – the sensation at his nipple was replaced with the force of Oikawa’s lips on his at a ninety degree angle – and there was just something about the kiss – some unspoken meaning that he primitively understood, and it made Hinata’s heart throb in so much bliss it hurt –

‘You beautiful boy,’ Oikawa whispered, breathless, in Hinata’s ear. ‘You have three kisses left, are you ready for them?’

Hinata replied by a breathy number eighteen making Oikawa chuckle before the cobra tantalisingly bit the side of Hinata’s neck –

‘Open your legs wider.’

Hinata obeyed. Oikawa released the spiker’s dick. Carefully, Oikawa climbed into the triangle that Hinata’s legs made on the bed. Still on his knees, Oikawa leaned slightly forward, balancing himself on his palms on either side of Hinata’s hips, outside of the triangle. That sultry glint was still in the setter’s eyes; Oikawa smirked, so knowing, so confident it made Hinata quiver in anticipation and fear.

Oikawa watched Hinata’s face as he slowly lowered his head. Ba-dum. Hinata’s heart was too volatile. Any moment now it would implode. Hinata stared, his heart and hormones ballistic, as Oikawa’s face hovered just above his erection that was sitting, straight up, on his pelvic area, pointing towards his stomach. Oikawa exhaled and Hinata felt warm breath on his dick. Oikawa moved half an inch to Hinata’s right and, still keeping eye contact, brought his lips to the skin just above Hinata’s pubic hair, the side of Oikawa’s left cheek softly grazing against Hinata’s hard-on.

Hinata gasped. ‘T-Toru -’

‘Nineteen,’ the setter breathed, his face right by Hinata’s hard dick, his breath adding heat to the already hot alcove of Hinata’s loins. ‘This last kiss will be a long one -’

Hinata barely had time to register Oikawa’s words – that dazzling smirk, those mischievous eyes held him captive, bound, willingly – and then –


Hinata could not speak, he could not move as he was rendered helpless by the sight and feel of Oikawa’s wet, soft, unbelievable tongue that dragged its way from the bottom of Hinata’s shaft, slowly up –

‘T-Toru -’

Hitting Hinata’s frenulum –

‘Ahhhh -!’

Oikawa’s tongue massaged the head making Hinata jolt upright in senseless pleasure –

Just as Oikawa sucked the tip and brought Hinata’s dick into his mouth.

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Chapter 26

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