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Chapter 28

Oikawa's car



‘I’m sorry Natsu. But next time – I’ll go to your next performance – I promise!’

‘You said you were looking forward to the show! You said! You said you couldn’t wait to see me play! You said you’d go!’

Before Hinata could get another word in Natsu had stormed upstairs and slammed the door. Hinata glanced at his mother who was drying a plate, watching him with judgmental eyes.

‘I know volleyball means a lot to you… but don’t you think there are some things in life more important than volleyball?’

Hinata winced from his mother’s words. Of course he felt guilty. Of course he did. He knew he’d said he’d go to Natsu’s saxophone competition; they’d talked about it for ages, she had spent at least two hours on a Saturday playing and he’d heard her getting better and better as the weeks went by.


A weekend with Oikawa.

A whole two days alone with Oikawa… His heart and dick pulsed just from the thought… They hadn’t had solid time together like that since the earthquake…

And it was for Oikawa’s birthday…

‘If you’re going to the summer camp for a whole week can you not miss even a day to support your sister? You know how much she was looking forward to us both going.’

‘I don’t want to miss the coach on the way there,’ Hinata replied.

‘I can pay for your train ticket. You can travel up later that night.’

‘I’m not sure where the school is and – we have set practice matches I need to be there for. And anyway – it’s her first one. I’m sure she’ll have loads more performances after this one that I can go to.’

Hinata’s mother sighed. ‘Suit yourself. Anything goes if it’s for volleyball, right?’

With a guilty conscience, Hinata crept up the stairs and knocked on Natsu’s door.


‘Natsu I’ll go to your next one – I promise -’


Hinata tried to get started on his homework.

But his mind kept going back to one thing and one thing only –

Oikawa’s tongue dragging against his dick.

Uhn –

He was at his desk, in his bedroom but could feel the blood rush down, feel the excitement rising… his breathing hitched up in his throat as if Oikawa was in the room with him.

Hinata glanced at his bedroom door.

There was no lock.

He stumbled away from his desk and dashed to the bathroom opposite his room and locked the door. He lent on the back of the door and closed his eyes.

He could feel Oikawa’s warm lips against his neck, that voice trickling into his ear, a hand stroking just below his belly –

Hinata’s hand was in his underwear before he even realised what he was doing. He panted for air and his heart pounded as he began to touch himself –

Oikawa’s sumptuous scent. Those arrogant, knowing eyes. But that mouth –

A soft moist tongue licking his nipple while Oikawa’s perfect hand pulled at him –

Hinata bit his lip to stop himself from making a noise and maneouvred himself closer to the sink, using a free hand to pull down at the restricting material –

Oikawa’s long eyelashes, that face kissing the skin right next to his eager, receptive dick –

Oikawa dragging his beautiful warm tongue along Hinata’s shaft, before running it along the tip and then sucking Hinata off like he so badly wanted to taste Hinata’s cum –

‘Uhghh -’

Hinata came as quietly as he could into the basin. He ran the tap, dampened some tissue and swiped away any cum elsewhere and chucked it in the bin.

Back in his room as he was about to make his second attempt at his homework, the giant white plush bunny, Awa Kio, sitting in the corner, caught his eye. A boom like a meteorite hitting the earth resonated through Hinata as he remembered their fair date, how much he had secretly yearned to be official with Oikawa –

A meteorite shower dazzled the sky with possibility and dreams: he was reborn. Hinata had never felt more alive, more awake, than he did in that moment.

I… am in a relationship with Oikawa.

Hinata ran to the bunny and hugged it as if it were the third year setter. In less than 54 hours he would see Seijoh’s captain again. The thought made him jittery with nervous excitement. The weekend couldn’t end fast enough.

Hinata moved towards his desk but his phone was face down on the bed. He hesitated. And then went to his bed instead –

His heart rattled.

Three messages from Toru.

A text, an image and another text. The texts read:

Missing you already chibi-chan.

Wish you were here.

The image was a group photo taken with a selfie stick by Takeru, Oikawa’s nephew – an older couple and a younger couple, side by side, with Takeru in front of them, and right in the middle was Oikawa with his arms around the older woman and the younger woman –

Oikawa’s family.

His father’s expression was stern, his mother was blushing, his sister was glowing, holding the pronounced bump on her stomach, and his brother-in-law was beaming. Oikawa’s smile was relaxed, genuine.

His whole family… are so good-looking.

Hinata’s eyes couldn’t help roving to Oikawa’s sister again. She was probably in her late 20s or early 30s, extremely attractive with long brown hair, slightly darker than her brother’s, that ran all the way down to her waist. The skin around her eyes pinched at the corners and made her look even more cute, and her smile was warm, welcoming.

Oikawa suddenly came online –

Hey my lil pumpkin

Hinata’s heart flipped.

The homework lay forgotten for at least another hour.

‘And now if you could turn to page 86 of your textbooks -’


The teacher was saying something but Hinata was staring out of the window. There was a crow hopping around on the grass.

I’ve counted seeing a crow seventeen times this week, do you know why?

Hinata’s heart jolted. He smiled to himself. The bark on the nearest tree was the same colour as Oikawa’s hair.

He glanced at the clock. 7 hours to go.

Monday would now always be one of his favourite days.

Kageyama watched the great ball of energy whizz around the court hitting sets and noticed how he wasn’t checking the clock every five minutes. He didn’t seem different again either; sure the moron was excited but Kageyama couldn’t tell if that was from playing volleyball and everyone’s talk about the upcoming Shinzen summer camp next week, or if it had anything to do with Oikawa.

Hinata hadn’t been that responsive to texts over the weekend only to mention that he was buried in homework, and he’d had to dash off super fast last week on Friday –

Nevertheless, if Hinata wasn’t dashing off today, and he couldn’t socialise on weeknights anymore after practice, then –

Kageyama felt a thrill shoot up his spine.

I have two whole weeks with Hinata. Two weeks to win him back.

Suddenly the days sparkled like gold coins in a treasure chest.

Kageyama could walk home with Hinata every day this week and next week they’d be together 24/7, playing volleyball, eating, sleeping in the same room with everyone.

This was his golden opportunity.

The realisation super-charged the first year setter who poured all his heart and soul into practice with nothing weighing him down. No. Not today. The thread of hope had become a rope: he could feel it in his bones that it was not too late – he would win Hinata back. Feelings did not disappear overnight. If Hinata even felt a smidgen of something for him – Kageyama’s chest swelled – then he had a chance. And he would take it.

‘Good job Kageyama!’ Daichi called.

Kageyama waited and watched like a hungry leopard, as after practice, Hinata laughed and joked with other team members, and seemed to be painstakingly slow at leaving or getting ready to go. Wait, Kageyama stared, what? Daichi handed Hinata the keys for the gym. As people began leaving, Hinata started also glancing over at Kageyama. The spiker walked over to his shoes to change them and Kageyama was over there like a shot –

But Kageyama watched as Hinata took ages fiddling with his trainers, untying laces, stretching them out, pulling them taut again, tying them up, then undoing them and tying them again –

‘Hey,’ Kageyama stared at Hinata. ‘What are you doing?’

Hinata looked up, directly at the setter. He then glanced behind Kageyama making Kageyama glance too – there was no one around.

‘Don’t wait for me.’

Kageyama felt a pang in his chest. But the spiker’s eyes were earnest.

‘I thought we could… walk our usual route together,’ Kageyama muttered briefly dropping his gaze. When he looked up again, Hinata was still looking at him with that intense stare.

The ginger shook his head.

‘Why -’

‘Today I need some time. Please. Just go. We can walk together tomorrow.’

Kageyama peered at Hinata and could not work out his strange behaviour.

Hinata exhaled through his nose. ‘You said you’d prove that you care about me right? Then please respect my wishes. Don’t wait for me today.’

Kageyama glanced around. Everyone had gone.

He gulped. ‘OK,’ Kageyama nodded. ‘If that’s what you want then… I’ll go.’

Hinata nodded.

Kageyama slipped past the middle blocker and walked to the school gates. The whole while, he felt this strange apprehension in his stomach and he constantly peered past the gates, expecting to see a tall, lean figure, in a lilac shirt and light brown checkered trousers…

But there was no one.

Kageyama searched up and down the road. Nothing moved. He started walking in the direction of his home and then suddenly turned –

There, behind the tree –

No one.

Kageyama took a deep breath and knew he had to stop.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

Kageyama took his earphones out and plugged into his world of music as, hidden behind a pillar at the school gates, Hinata watched Kageyama walk out of sight.

Hinata breathed a sigh of relief. He waited another seven minutes just to make sure. Then he grabbed his bike, walked to the school gates, took out his phone and sent a text –

I’m alone.

Hinata searched left then right, left then right, then right then left along the road waiting for someone to appear –

His insides clattered like marbles in a glass jar. He’d managed to peel the team off of him by asking to lockup and now that his mission was a success, his rattling nervousness was quickly being converted into anxious excitement as he skimmed the road for any signs of a fallen star.

But a swanky car crept along from his right and still no sign of –


The roof was down on the convertible. The car was getting closer and closer. And there, as idyllic as a dream, in the front seat –

‘Hey there short stuff -’

Hinata’s mind was blown. His jaw dropped to the floor as Oikawa stopped the car, the passenger side perfectly aligned with Hinata.

Top down, windows down, the silver convertible was the sexiest car Hinata had ever seen in his life. He’d never even seen a car like this in the lanes of Natori. Sleek, shiny, angular, bold – it matched the driver perfectly.

The driver.

But no matter how dazzling the car, to Hinata it was no where near as dazzling as the person behind the wheel. Oikawa was in his school uniform but had taken off the tie and rolled up his sleeves, one hand holding the wheel and the other slung behind the head of the passenger seat. The setter was beaming at Hinata, a knowing, satisfied glint in his eyes as he triumphantly feasted on the reaction he had induced.

‘Surprise!’ Oikawa playfully stuck his tongue out and chuckled as Hinata rolled his tongue back up from off the floor.

‘You have – you have a car?!’

‘Now I do,’ Oikawa got out of from his side and walked round to the boot. ‘It was an early birthday gift from my family. It’s second hand but it’ll do the job -’

‘Toru – it’s stunning! It’s a really nice car!’

Oikawa grinned as the boot opened smoothly and he pulled out a large metal rack from inside. ‘I’m so pleased you like it chibi-chan. Can I give you a ride home?’ Oikawa closed the boot and then started adjusting the ugly metal frame onto the back of the convertible that spoiled the view entirely.

‘I’d love to,’ Hinata replied, ‘but my bike -’

‘That’s what this is for,’ Oikawa’s eyes sparkled, as he installed the hideous metal skeleton onto the boot of the beautiful car.

Hinata gasped. ‘No don’t!’

‘Why not?’

‘It’s so – so ugly! It spoils the car completely. It looks terrible with that on -’

Oikawa snorted. ‘It’s just a bike rack -’

Hinata stared, horrified at the metallic body of beauty being vandalised by a functional bike rack. ‘But it will look even worse when my bike is on it too -’

‘OK Sho but unless your bike can fit into your pocket I don’t see another alternative.’ Oikawa finished installing it and then walked over to Hinata, placing his large hands over the spiker’s on the handle.

Hinata’s heart tripled in speed as Oikawa stared down at him, in sultry affection.

‘I am dying to kiss you,’ Oikawa murmured, ‘but it’s going to have to wait until we’re in a space a bit more private. It only takes about ten minutes to drive to yours. Our walk was fifty five minutes last week and by bicycle it’s only around twenty five to thirty minutes. So depending on how strict your mom is, we have twenty to forty five minutes of extra time. May I have your bike?’

Hinata let go of the handles, watched Oikawa trail his bike to the end of the car and hoist it up onto the rack. His heart was racing from the setter’s touch and also from his words.

All this effort… just for me…

The ugly bike rack. The effort to drive here. The calculation of Hinata’s journey home.

How is it I’m still just so moved by him?

‘Hop in chibi-chan!’

Hinata put a hand on the door handle but stopped when he noticed the pristine red leather seats. ‘But I’m still in my volleyball uniform, and sweaty from practice -’

After Oikawa tested the bike’s stability, he walked around to the driver’s door and placed his hand on the handle, opposite Hinata. He stared at Hinata for a moment, admiring those pretty facial features before his face broke out into a grin.

Oikawa smirked. ‘Oh don’t you worry. I fully intend to get more than just your sweat into my car -’

Hinata blushed as Oikawa slotted himself in behind the driver’s seat. The spiker then followed suit, carefully opening the car door, climbing in, and closing the door behind him. The seat was quite low, and the car smelt of fresh leather. There were fancy dials and digital readings in front of him. This vehicle had to have been a yen or two.

‘This car is so cool! And it suits you so well -!’

Hinata turned to find Oikawa watching him like a cobra. 

Suddenly one of those magic hands gently rested on Hinata’s right thigh and all fascination about the convertible evaporated into a puff of smoke as his heart started pumping all the blood downwards.

‘How is it you look even cuter than last time and it’s only been a couple of days?’ Oikawa removed his hand from Hinata’s thigh and ruffled those soft ginger locks instead. ‘Strap in chibi-chan. I want to show you what this thing can do -’

Was he in a movie? The next thing Hinata knew they were whizzing past fields and trees, the hot July air was converted into a cool breeze that whipped through his hair. The speed of the car was insane; it was thrilling and exciting but also quite scary even though Oikawa maneuvered the vehicle so well; Hinata felt like one wrong turn and they could hit and kill something – but no matter as most of the roads towards his house were wide and deserted anyway –

Hinata turned and knelt back on his seat, as the wind hit his hair and he watched as the roads and world stream away from him. Hinata sat back properly raised his hands in the air –


Oikawa and Hinata laughed as Hinata welcomed the twilight with his hands.

As they got nearer to Hinata’s house, Hinata usurped the GPS.

‘Go left here instead! There’s somewhere I want to show you!’

Oikawa followed orders, turned left and slowed down. They were already driving uphill and continued to do so, now on a narrower road.

As they curved the mountain, Hinata was sure he was in a dream. All houses and people-related things melted away. To their right, the rich, verdant grass of the mountain, and to their left, the great expanse of sky in gorgeous colours of purple, pink and orange. Down below, the open emerald plains of Natori hugged the mountain while the city lay on its outskirts, twinkling in the twilight.

As the beauty of nature engulfed him, Hinata turned to look at the most beautiful one of all. His eyes were glued to the road, rightly so, and Hinata realised that Oikawa was unable to bask in this as accessibly as Hinata could.

‘I think there’s like a spot up ahead that you can park in -’

Soon enough they found a large ledge on the mountainside, with a bench and enough space to park several cars. Oikawa pulled into it, not bothering to park properly, and diagonally cut across the area. He stopped the car and peered at the view through the windshield.

‘My my,’ Oikawa murmured, ‘how long have I lived in Miyagi and I can still be astounded by its beau-’

Oikawa didn’t get to finish the sentence as while the setter had been talking, Hinata had kicked off his shoes, released his seatbelt and knelt across his seat and Oikawa’s to attack Oikawa with a kiss. Even though the positioning was slightly awkward, Oikawa slightly turned his head to receive it fully and Hinata wrapped his arms around Oikawa’s neck and pressed his whole being into the setter.

After the long ‘I missed you’ kiss, Hinata slowly opened his eyes to find the cobra already staring at him.

Hinata blushed and pursed his lips before planting a peck on the corner of Oikawa’s mouth, then Oikawa’s cheek, before trailing down the setter’s neck, showering Oikawa with kisses. Oikawa’s heart tripped, endorphins shooting from the place of contact of Hinata’s lips.

‘Come here you-’ Oikawa undid the seatbelt and then greedily looped his arms around the middle blocker. Hinata cried out in delight as Oikawa dragged the bird onto his lap, and pressed another long kiss onto Hinata’s mouth, making the spiker hold onto Oikawa’s collar to steady himself.

Oikawa’s mouth then went to Hinata’s neck and he got exactly what he wanted: a gasp right into his ear and the little crow tensed up. Oikawa chuckled and then traced kisses along Hinata’s jaw.

‘Toru -’

Oikawa pulled back to see the munchkin blushing, luscious with pink stains on his cheeks. Oikawa supported the back of Hinata with the crook of his left arm. The spiker undid the top button of the setter’s shirt before charging in with a kiss at the exposed skin. Hinata was happy to hear Oikawa groan above him, before he conquered Oikawa’s collarbone and neck with his lips.

‘Such wonderful affection from you chibi-chan,’ Oikawa breathed, his heart like a furious woodpecker. ‘Maybe I should go away more often.’

‘No don’t!’ Hinata shook his head against the top left of Oikawa’s chest and stared up at the setter. ‘Please don’t.’

Oikawa’s heart sliced in two. How could I? How could Oikawa deny those eyes anything?

‘I won’t,’ Oikawa whispered, bringing a hand to Hinata’s cheek that the bird nuzzled into. ‘I could barely last two days without seeing you. Even though… it’s usually four days… I don’t know how I’m going to survive next week with you away at summer camp.’

‘Me too,’ Hinata placed a hand on Oikawa’s neck and stared up at that model-like face, the scratches left by Kageyama already beginning to fade. ‘But I can’t wait to spend this entire weekend with you.’

Oikawa grinned. ‘I can’t wait for that either. You sure it’s OK? Your mom doesn’t mind?’

‘She thinks I’m at summer camp beginning this Friday. But I also wanted to ask if it’s OK if I… stay with you overnight on Sunday so I can go straight to Karasuno on Monday morning.’

‘Ask if it’s OK,’ Oikawa scowled. ‘My home is your home. You don’t have to ask Sho. Of course you can stay. I’ll drive you to Karasuno myself on Monday morning.’

‘Don’t you have practice?’

Oikawa tightened his grip on the bird and dived, kissing just below Hinata’s ear, shooting a tingle down the spiker’s spine. 

‘No,’ Oikawa breathed, his hot breath against Hinata’s neck. ‘We have the first week of summer off so I’m very much looking forward to this weekend with just you.’

A sparkling white fuzz of electricity shot through Hinata’s veins. His heart was like a tribal drum. Was this normal? Dating someone or being with someone… was it normal for them to make your heart pound just by being close? To make your head dizzy with just a few words that they say?

Oikawa suddenly pulled away, a serious expression on his face. He seemed to be calculating something.

‘How about…’ he surveyed Hinata’s features, ‘I pick you up. Tomorrow morning. And take you to school? I won’t pull up outside the gates or anything to draw attention but I could drop you somewhere nearby. And after practice, if you wait a bit, I can drive over, it takes about half an hour to get from my school to your school. We’ll probably only have a ten minute drive together to not arouse suspicion… I don’t know if it’s worth it for you though, if we both finish practice at the same time, and you have to wait for half an hour just to see me for ten minutes -’

Hinata stared, wide-eyed, up at the glorious setter, swallowing down his emotions.

‘But only if you want to of course,’ Oikawa whispered, stroking the crow’s cheek.

Hinata hid his face in Oikawa’s chest and laced his hands around Oikawa’s neck. He felt like he was a bottle of champagne about to explode. What had he done, what had he given, to merit this? Oikawa housed him, looked after him, cooked for him, helped him with homework, made him a better volleyball player – and was now even offering to drive him to and pick him up after school. It would take time, money, fuel, effort – even more effort than what Oikawa was already making.

‘Why aren’t you saying anything chibi-chan?’

Hinata pushed himself up and straddled Oikawa with his knees on either side of the seat before passionately kissing the setter.

‘Hnmm -’

Oikawa hummed into the kiss as Hinata completely took the lead, pressing a small hand against his chest. Hinata stuck his tongue out and Oikawa gladly followed suit, their tongues twining as Hinata gently pulled at Oikawa’s hair with his free hand. Oikawa couldn’t help grinning into the kiss as he remembered a time not that long ago when a kiss on the cheek made Hinata tremble. And look at you now chibi-chan. Oikawa was about to wrap his arms around the spiker when suddenly the wetness and pressure of Hinata’s mouth was gone, as was the comforting weight of the little crow.

Oikawa opened his eyes. Hinata was back in his own passenger seat but his expression – Oikawa’s heart skipped a beat – was full –

Of lust.

Hinata glanced down at Oikawa’s crotch and pursed his lips to try and stop himself from smiling from what he saw. When his eyes met Oikawa’s again Oikawa couldn’t help but to tongue his cheek and raise an eyebrow as if to say, well what did you expect?

Still with that determined, fiery expression, Hinata reached over and pulled one of Oikawa’s hands towards his face –

Oikawa was ready to cup his cheek –

But one of Hinata’s hands squashed Oikawa’s fingers and thumb, leaving only the captain’s index finger free –

Oikawa was in no way prepared for what happened next –

Hinata closed his eyes and took Oikawa’s finger into his mouth. 

Hinata gladly heard Oikawa gasp. He sucked on it gently before slowly dragging it out, covered in his saliva.

When Hinata opened his eyes, Oikawa’s eyes were almost as large as the tyres of the car and his mouth was agape. But that soon transformed to something else entirely: Oikawa’s eyes darkened but shone and a look so wolfish, so carnal settled across Oikawa’s face that Hinata was sure that Oikawa would pounce on him any moment now.

‘I,’ Hinata blushed, he was never good at this sort of thing, he didn’t have the smoothness and confidence that Oikawa had but nevertheless… ‘I want to – get better… at pleasing you, Toru.’

Complete and utter shock was the first reaction. Then – a pleased, flirtatious, admiring smirk. And finally as the implication seemed to grow deep, thick roots, Oikawa’s expression changed again. His eyes were ravenous. He started steadily breathing through his nose. Hinata felt like a steak the way Oikawa was looking at him.

Hinata placed Oikawa’s hand back down and crawled forward across the seats, his own hands finding their way to the button and zipper of Oikawa’s Aoba Johsai trousers. After undoing as much as he could, Hinata slipped his hand in Oikawa’s briefs, immediately coming into contact with the soft-hard wonderful skin of Oikawa’s dick – he heard the setter groan, and felt Oikawa tense – Oikawa’s breathing suddenly became more ragged coming from his mouth instead of his nose –

Hinata freed Oikawa’s cock from the confines of fabric and using one hand to stroke it, he looked up again into the hungry, warm eyes of the setter.

‘Teach me,’ Hinata whispered, ‘what feels good to you. What you like.’

‘Don’t you know?’ Oikawa murmured. ‘Everything you do feels good to me.’

Hinata shook his head. ‘You’re too kind to me. I want to improve. I want to – be the best. At satisfying you.’

One corner of Oikawa’s lips curved upwards. ‘I love your ambition chibi-chan. Things like this, you only get better with patience, with intimately knowing someone, with practicing again and again -’

‘With practice,’ Hinata repeated, staring at Oikawa’s beautiful dick as he continued to softly stroke it. ‘You said I’m good at volleyball and your body. But you made me better at volleyball. So now…’ Hinata sat back on his seat but leaned his torso across, his left hand still holding Oikawa’s dick and his right hand supporting his body weight. He moved even more forward and dragged his tongue against the head of Oikawa’s dick, making the setter moan and grip the back of his volleyball shirt –

‘Make me better at your body.’

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Chapter 28

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